Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wesak Meditation, Bangalore


The count down has begun for our "Special Once in A Year Event" where we extend an invitation to our pranic healing family, their friends and relatives to partake in the global event called the "Wesak Celebration". This year, during the Full Moon of Taurus – 28th April 2010, we will come together to receive the Priceless Divine Blessings and also be instruments in healing the World, all our brothers and sisters and our beloved Mother Earth.

As the prayer of St Francis of Assisi says "it is in giving that we receive"- The 28th of April 2010 provides us with a unique opportunity to generate a tremendous amount of good karma and spiritual energy, which we can use to help others or improve the quality of our lives. On this special day, The energy of all the great ones descend on earth which also enhances the possibility of great expansion of consciousness.

So let us commit ourselves to be a part of this special day, a day where all the Holy Masters and Avatars come together and meditate at the same time.

"I am your servant, but spiritually we are one" - Grand Master Choa Kok Sui

On our path to become an embodiment of Light, Love and Power. Let us use the incoming energies to become better instruments in moving Master Choa's work forward while also increasing the abundance and harmony in our lives.

Hope to see you and your family and friends - This event is free and is open to all.

  • Light Food 2 - 3 days before the Wesak 
  • Fasting on the day of the Wesak. 
  • Light Food 2 - 3 days after the Wesak. 
  • Wear light cotton clothes for the meditation.
Testimonials from the Wesak Celebration of 2009:

Mr. Prasanna
"I was invited for Wesak meditation by my sister. The meditation was great and I went on with my life as usual. Sudenly in my office I was offered a promotion as well as a hike without any prior intimation. I was pleasantly surprised, especially since in one of my earlier performance appraisal I was not offered any pay hike which was disappointing. It showed me how this meditation can impact my life. Now, I am looking forward to this year's Wesak meditation and am sure that it will bring another bundle of pleasant surprises in my life. Also I have been thanking my sister ever since! Thank you for inviting me."

Mrs Vinitha
"I was going through a severe financial problem. There was a legal case going on in which I was supposed to receive certain amount of money if it went in my favour. My friend advised me to join for the Wesak meditation as it may offer some help. I was reluctant in the beginning but gave it a try. A week after the meditation the legal case(which had been going on for 10 years) verdict was given in my favour and I received the almost the entire amount within 3 months. I am really grateful for this help."

Date: 28th April 2010
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Shiva Balayogi Trust, # 1/4, 3rd Phase, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore - 560078


­Yoga Vidy­a ­Pranic Healing Foundation of Karnataka
"R­am ­Villa", 21/10 A Craig Park Layout,
M.G. Roa­d, Bangalore - 560 0­01, India­.

080 25583749/ 25599300

Monday - Frid­ay ­: 9:00 A.M - 5:0­0 P.M
Saturday : 9:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M


What is Wesak Meditation ? 

The term Wesak comes from a sanskrit name Vaisakha, it’s a Buddhist festival celebrating the Buddha Enlightenment. It is celebrated in occasion of full moon in May. Along with other mobile festivals such as Jewish and Christian Easter, Ramadan, Wesak as well mantains a common meaning with these festivals: to celebrate the return or the coming of a Teacher who blesses life of all human beings. With Wesak the whole world, regardless of religion, has the chance of receiving the blessings of the Buddha who comes back, of Christ and of Masters of Wisdom, who watch over and guide the men’s spiritual growth. Blessings reach everybody with no exceptions, but in a much more powerful way to whom are aware of the celebration, of the day, schedules, and of what happens. The Wesak Festival Celebration is a special day during which very special energies – emanating from the Heart of God, through the Lord Buddha, the Lord Christ, and the  Spiritual Hierarchy – flow into human consciousness and are poured forth upon planet Earth.

Tradition tells that Gauthama Siddharta, called the Buddha, once become the Enlightened, on the doorsteps of Nirvana, turned around and saw a struggling mankind, overburdened by the cycles of rebirths and death, and by ignorance. Feeling pity about that, he promised he wouldn’t enter into Nirvana until even the last of human beings was free. Wesak is also the celebration of this message of compassion.

Physically, the Wesak ritual is celebrated in an Himalayan valley, at Mount Kailash slopes, considered one of the holiest places in the world. Every year people from all over Indian country get going to reach the valley. One’s can reach those lands not only physically, but also spritually and etherically. In fact it is possible to participate to the Wesak ritual and celebration, as Grand Master Choa Kok Sui teaches, declaring one’s intention of being there and, according to the principle of interconnection (a spiritual law of the energy world that surrounds us), that we are connected to each other, and everybody to the Earth, we’ll have access to the Great Teachers’ healing blessings.

Furthermore, celebrating it with other people, increases its strenght and effects on us all, on our loved ones and on anything our heart desires. This is the reason why long for gathering and celebrate this festival together. The Wesak flower is iris, becus it is told that this is the Buddha’s flower. According to an ancient legend, in fact, iris blooms in the very same moment Buddha returns to bless the Earth.

During the celebration, the Great Invocation is repeated. This prayer has a priceless value, its words are soothing and healing for all the World and remind us that Light, Love and Power can restore the Divine Plan on Earth if guided by the purpose which the Masters know and serve.

Here are the words of the Great Invocation:

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men
Let light descend on Earth

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men
May the Great Messenger of God return to Earth

From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men
The purpose which the Masters know and serve

From the center which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells

Let Light and Love and Power restore the plan on  Earth

So be it!


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  3. Atman Namaste...I have noticed that the prayer before for blessing India had "OM OM OM" but the above posted doesn't have .Could u Please clarify that does this make any difference...
    Thank u..

  4. Nice and Useful Information, It is Very Useful for me and Thanks.Vaastu Shastra in India|Pranic Healing in Bangalore
